MATCH is a 501(c)3 non-profit overseen by a Board of Directors local to Fort Bragg:
President: Gary Lewis, Principal of Noyo High School
Secretary: Erin Brazill, Lead teacher, Transition Learning Center
Member: Courtney Thiesen, special education teacher
Executive Director
Caitlin Cleveland
Caitlin founded MATCH Disability Services after OARS Therapeutic Services closed suddenly in 2022. Determined to continue services for the adult clients they served as program manager, Caitlin successfully launched MATCH in the summer of 2023, beginning with a small young adult program and a small middle school program. Caitlin is getting their Master's in Developmental Disabilities with a focus in Leadership & Advocacy. Their philosophy is shaped by the playful, joy-filled influences of a childhood in New Orleans, their years as a preschool teacher, and their experience as a queer person. They lead MATCH according to the perspectives of disability self-advocates and aspire to create a space where people can exhale, unmask, and be themselves.
Young Adult Lead DSP
Fionn Roberts
Fionn joined MATCH in the fall of 2024 and innovated its Young Adult Programming by creating evening and weekend activities and offering his experience running tabletop games like D&D and Pathfinder. Fionn comes from a background in working with adults with developmental disabilities as a long term In-Home Caretaker. They have gone through life managing their own disabilities and queer identity and have been supported by programs similar MATCH throughout their life. They take great pride in being able to support others and give back to the communities that have nurtured them in life. They continue to grow an expertise and education in caring for people and creating healthy spaces for others to be themselves. Fionn's long-term goal is to graduate from nursing school and specializing in caring for people with disabilities.
Middle School Lead DSP
Monika Daniels